19 June 2010

HELL-O HELL-O school!!!


huhh!! what a life i lead....i don't wanna go to school tomorrow...or, can i really call that place as school??? it acts more like a prison than a school....i wonder why we have school....and why do students must go to school.....i haven't finished my hw, and that is added to my list of REASONS WHY I HATE SCHOOL....ha3

16 June 2010


♥We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love♥

I'm a PMR candidate !!!!

ha3, a pic of me studying?? it's a miracle....ha3....maybe this will be the first and last time i study for this whole 2 weeks.....ha3.....well, why don't you guess what book am i studying??

♥Only for Nabiha♥

i uploaded this pics only to show it to

14 June 2010

I'm the princess in my own world....


well, i'm getting busy right now....but not because of hw or something related to's because of this contagious FIFA FEVER!!!....i'm having a panda eye because of this....and guess what?? i'm competing with one of my teachers in school, SIR RIZAL, to see who will have a worse panda eye between us's a real fun to have this kind of sporting teacher.....

and, i'm now a heartbroken girl.....:(( naahhh~~, forget it, i don't care what will happen between us....after all, i'm better on my own....i'm the princess in my own world, and i DON'T need a prince....although i'm actually waiting for the right prince to come and save me from this nightmare~~

huh?? again, i'm starting to talk nonsense....ha3....forget it, what's important now is, FIFA !!!! oopss, i mean, STUDY !!!! ha3.....

13 June 2010

I need a friend like this......

Tika aku kesepian,
Kau datang membawa kegembiraan,
Tika aku kedukaan,
Kau hadir mengubat jiwa,
Tika aku kegelisahan,
Kau di sisi memberi ketabahan.


Jika aku lupakan Yang Esa,
Ajaklah aku mengingatiNya,
Jika aku gembira tak terkata,
Sedarkanlah aku dengan amaran-amaranNya,
Jika aku bersedih tanpa bicara,
Pintalah aku agar berserah kepadaNya.


Kaulah hadiah Allah untukku,
Apa yang aku harapkan,
Adalah ukhuwah yang berkekalan,
Sehingga ke akhir hayat kita.

Ukhuwah fillah abadan abada.

Remember ALLAH.....

Bila engkau memandang segalanya dari Tuhanmu,
yang mencipta segalanya,
yang menimpakan uijan,
yang menjadikan sakit hatimu,
yang membuat keinginanmu terhalang,
serta menyusahkan hidupmu,

pasti akan damailah hatimu kerana masakan Allah sengaja mentakdirkan segalanya untuk sesuatu yang sia-sia,
bukan Allah tidak tahu deritanya hidupmu,
retaknya hatimu,
tapi mungkin itulah yang Allah mahukan
kerana Allah tahu hati yang sebeginilah lebih mudah lunak dan mudah dekat dan akrab denganNya...

11 June 2010

kenduri kahwin....


well, this is my picture in my that time, i was waiting for my parents to get ready....we're going for a 'kenduri kahwin' just in front of my house....well, the food's delicious...we went there, met the bride's parents, have a chat, ate, and then we went home....i wanted to see the bride but my mother didn't allow me to...she said that it will take a long time to wait for the bride to come out...i was really sad because since i was a child, the only time that interests me much in a 'kenduri kahwin' is the time to watch the bride.....i like to see bride, as they were always beautiful.....but somehow, i don't thnk i wanna be a bride.....but i wanna wear those beautiful bridal, what nonsense am i talking 'bout right now?? it's still TOO early to think of all that....maybe i should focus on my studies first.....ha3

"True love is like ghosts - which everyone talks about but only few have seen....."

wonder when will i meet my true love.....ha3....

07 June 2010

a poem to my "special" friend.....


a poem i got for my "special" friend.....

You were like my escape
outta this world,
whenever i got to talk to you
i felt like nothing else existed.

that's all gone now,
you've left me
and i have no clue
what i did wrong

I'm not gonna beg you
to stay
because if you really cared
you wouldn't ask me to

you can't blame me this time
for messing things up
i did nothing
but try to make things better

i miss you so much
but that probably doesn't mean anything
to you

i hate feeling like this,
so I'm telling you right now
that I'm done
I'm done with you.

so so done with you!!!

my best friends~~


a lil' update 'bout myself.....
currently at war with my friends.......
but i STILL have my BEST FRIEND !!!!

to be exact,
i have 3 TRUE BEST FREIND.....

she's been my best friend since our first met....we first met each other in our 6th grade....that's when we both participated in KURSUS ANTI-DADAH PERINGKAT's a real fun and bless to had meet her.....she's the kind that will stand up for me when i'm in trouble.....the one that will protect me....the one that scolded me when i've made a mistake....the one that teaches me 'bout right and wrong........she's more like a family than a, we're living far from each other.....still, we often contact each other.....SHE'S ONE IN A MILLION, A PRECIOUS PERSON TO HAVE AS A FRIEND........

she's my best friend since i'm in Form 2......a kind and intelligent person.....she's been with me through all kind of situations.....she's the only person that can really tolerate with my childish attitude...the one that i share all my secrets to....the one that i really trust right now.....the one that will listen to all my story-telling....i will tell her all the things that i do throughout the whole day.....SHE'S EVERYTHING I NEED TO MAKE ME HAPPY, TO MAKE ME FORGET ALL MY WORRIES AND TO MAKE ME FEEL BETTER AFTER GOING THROUGH MANY OBSTACLES IN LIFE......

she's also my best friend since Form's a real fun spending time with her......she's superbly genius and she rocks !!!! You can see me in her, but you can't see her in me.....that's how to describe our attitude....ha3...SHE'S A PERSON THAT WILL BE MY SUNSHINE, WHENEVER IT IS CLOUDY.......

she's my best friend since i'm in Form 2....i rarely spend my time with her...but i know everything that happens to her....i know that whenever i'm facing any problem, she's there for support me and advice me....


06 June 2010

turn over a new leaf

it's been a long time since my last post, right???
i surely miss my blog....
but it seems like time is forcing me to forget 'bout bloggin' for a lil' while....'s time for some update, huh??

to be honest, i'm under pressure right now.......
i'd just finish my exam.....and i'll tell ya, it's terrifying......
all the things that i've studied didn't come out in the exam......
i'm scared for the result.....

one more thing,
there's a conflict between my friends and i.....
a serious one indeed.....
i don't know how to handle this thing....
all i could do is to just pray so that Allah will help me out this time.........

it's BBM now....
holiday !!!!!!!!!
i love it coz' it means that i'll be spending my time with my parents.....
and i can forget all my problems at school.......

well, i guess that's all the latest news 'bout me.....
till the next time we meet.....